The Mom 2 Mom Sale is going on this Saturday at the Double Tree by Hilton from 10-3. You might have heard all the commercials and heard us talking about it all week long.

You ever notice how when you're in the store and a kid yells 'Mmmooommmm' and then every mother in the place turns to look. You mothers might be able to testify to this more than any one. Usually when this happens you don't even have a kid with you. But because of habit, you look anyway.

Well, I have built a commercial that does exactly that for the Mom 2 Mom Sale. It says mom though out the whole commercial to grab your attention. It also sounds like one of those national ads where they are yelling and talking fast. I figured I would add that because it seems every one actually hers those commercials. SPAS, SPAS, SPAS. Ya, ringing a bell.

So here is my new Mom 2 Mom commercial. Enjoy!


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