Take a look into the life of a twentysomething with this video illustrated with charts and graphs!

The life of a twentysomething seems hard to pin point but when it's all shown on charts and graphs, we're basically all in the same boat.

Our twenties are that awkward stage/transition period when going from youth to adulthood. The only difference between one twentysomething and the next is how fast they make their transition. Some still party and act like they're still in high school on their 30th birthday, and some grow up "too fast" by living, acting, working like an adult in their early twenties. I would probably be considered closer to the latter.

Whether your a twentysomething still acting like a high school senior or like an adult, we can all relate to this video. Take away the age you act like you are and your true twentysomething-self is there.

How accurate did you think the charts and graphs described your life? BuzzFeed put it so well in their description by saying... "Seeing it all organized makes life feel like less of a mess. Sort of."

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