If it is your birthday, Happy Birthday to you! February 29 is a special time for special people. Only coming around once every 4 years. It is time to celebrate.

I'm a Leap Year baby and I love celebrating my birthday. Turning 11 is no different. Those of us who have birthday's today, we are called leapers.

Having the chance to celebrate does not happen often, so when it does come, like this year, the party is on.

There are many places all over the world who have events planned for today, but one caught my eye, that is pretty darn close to here.

Leap Year Birthdays
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Our neighbors to the south have a party for this special day. A town called Anthony on the New Mexico/Texas border has an entire week they celebrate. How awesome is that. What do you do to celebrate your special day?

I am going to dedicate this entire day to going around Grand Junction and to find businesses and restaurants that offer Leap Year freebies! If you know where to go, shout it out! Happy Birthday to my fellow Leapers!

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