Spring cleaning time is here, and the Grand Junction Police Department want to help you with unwanted things in your medicine cabinet. 

The Grand Junction Police Department is helping all of us to dispose of things in our medicine cabinets that we don't need or use anymore. So if you have drugs, we have the place, let's meet up.

Along with the Drug Enforcement Agency, you will be able to drop off unwanted prescriptions tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Here are the things you are able to drop off. Pills and Patches. Pretty easy huh? Simply drive by 555 Ute Avenue, and drop them off. No questions asked and the best part is, is that it is free.

The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day give you a safe, easy way of disposing drugs.

If you have kids, or anyone who may be in your home, and you have medicines left around in places, or in cabinets, this could be a really bad situation if they end up in the wrong hands. That is what this program is for. To keep everyone safe.

Take a look, and I bet you will be surprised what you find in your medicine cabinet.


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