If you have been thinking about getting some new ink you might want to check out the Food and Drug Administration's warning about tattoo ink.

A California based company called White and Blue Lion Inc. had to recall inks in their in-home tattoo kits after they tested positive for bacterial contamination in some unopened bottles.

The FDA has confirmed at least one case of skin infection related to the company’s ink.

Getting an infection from a new tattoo is nothing new, but the FDA wants to make sure that consumers and tattoo artists are aware that the stock of contaminated product has not been collected.

Some of the recalled bottles have a multicolored Chinese dragon image with black-and-white lettering, while some are missing the manufacturer information.

In general, the FDA says those looking to get a tattoo should always ensure that the ink has a brand name and a location of the business that manufactured it.

The other thing to do is make sure you are using a quality artist.

Even if your buddy just got a new tattoo machine, after a 12-pack and a few shooters is not the time to let him practice on you.

Look you are gong to carry that ink for the rest of your life, make sure you will want it in five years from now.

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