Hello, everyone, it is I the new guy. My name is Brandon Thomas and I am extremely excited to get to know and meet everyone! Right now I'm going to give you a little look into who I am.

1) I fell 55 feet off the Colorado National Monument in 2004 when I was only 19 years old.

10 things to know about me..the new guy
My twin and I

2) I have an identical twin brother.

3) I taught myself how to do the moonwalk (thank you MJ)

10 things to know about me..the new guy
Brandon Thomas

4) My wife and I have been together for 11 years!

10 things to know about me..the new guy
Brandon Thomas

5) I first got into radio when I was 15 years old.

6) I have two beautiful daughters, Taila, and Marlow.

10 things to know about me..the new guy
Brandon Thomas

7) Anything to do with weird art, I love it!

10 things to know about me..the new guy
Brandon Thomas

8) I recently built my own house.

10 things to know about me..the new guy
Brandon Thomas

9) My two dogs are the most unique you will ever see.

10) I am currently a student at CMU majoring in Physical Education with a minor in communications

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